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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Week Ten- Marxist Theory

More and more Marx! Marx established that there is a need for the poor, a need for the working class.  That says to the working man, you are needed. You are valuable. However, the value isn’t that high. You are a commodity. You are a number. You are a mouth that the government needs to feed to keep things chugging along at an acceptable pace.

Marx believes in the hierarchy.  Hierarchy tends to be necessary in society.  There needs to be a leader (if I learned anything from Lord of the Flies…) for there to be progress.  People need a place in life. If you go to any coffee shop, college campus, church, or really anywhere with people, you will find lost souls.  People who need direction. People who want to belong, have a place, and make a contribution.  I feel safe making this generality because the few people who say they don’t want to belong, have a place or make a contribution would probably not leave their house and therefore not be in any place with people, therefore excluding them from the sample group of souls.  Marxism would not only provide you with a place and an opportunity to contribute, but would enforce it upon you.

I think that the problem in Marxism lies in that it is enforced, and there is little opportunity to move up in the hierarchy.  Once you are a worker bee, you cannot be a queen bee. This isn’t Mean Girls, you can’t move up in the world.  This is Gossip Girl. The elite stay elite, and the lower class takes the subway over from Brooklyn.  There is little crossover, there is rarely change.  This will naturally create hostility and barriers, which is why Marxism tends to fail.  The trick is to trick the worker bees into being happy and having no hopes of moving forward. Sadly, there are driven people who feel the need (for speed?) to succeed (oh.).  They will view their missed opportunities as a loss and will inevitably revolt.  Oh, and many Marxists have been crazy and/or evil. 

Word Count: 348

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