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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Week Nine- Marxist Theory

Karl Marx’s communist ideology centers around labor and labor value.  The idea that capitalism is bad and that “religion is the opiate of the masses.”  Paying the workings the bare minimum, just enough to keep them going and keep them producing the same amount of labor and still have enough energy to go out and buy back their goods at a profitable mark up.  People would be seemingly equal laborers and would be peaceful parts of a larger machine.  In theory it is a seemingly air idea.  Before you jump down my throat, I said in theory (that’s what this class is all about, right?).  However, history shows us that it does not always work out so well.  You know why? Greed.  People see the rich staying rich and no progression for themselves.  The rich see more and more opportunity for surplus and success and push further and further.  It falls apart and egos get involved and it just all goes straight to hell.  

This brings the word ‘communist’ such ugly  meaning.  Certainly the ‘red scare’ that became essentially a witch hunt brought a lot of heavy weight to the word.  To my knowledge, bigoted former SNL primetime player Victoria Jackson wore a shirt that said ‘communist’ on a recent interview following her homophobic rant on a man-on-man kiss on the cheese-fest program Glee. 

 She is out of her wrinkly, deteriorating mind and proudly rocked the frock.  Rapper Lil Wayne appeared in a music video also donning a shirt that read ‘communist’ (I sincerely hope it was not out of Jackson’s closet).  

Communist is essentially what you make it.  Whether it be parody, serious, or completely taken in a terrible horrifying direction (looking at you, Stalin and Jackson).  

Word Count: 288

1 comment:

  1. Just because you said that I am going to come at you with a plunger and attack your mouth =P <3
